Serving Boulder County, Broomfield County & Surrounding Communities

We are a local, woman-owned small business.

The Last Thursday Before Christmas

Posted Dec 23, 2016

For the Christmas Holidays families all around the world gather together, open presents, and enjoy one another’s company. The same can be said for our little painting company.

The last Thursday before Christmas,
the painters were getting restless.

For when the work was done
the fun had begun.

But before we could celebrate, the painters had to gather round
To learn what “Santa Karen” was bringing around.

Professional painters, one, then two, then three came to train
so that enhanced skills they would gain

Because their craftsmanship and techniques would be improved,
Customers’ hearts would be surely moved.

As the paint was drying and the final touches were done,
The office staff prepared some games for some more fun

Setting up for the party was quite a feat
As we covered the tables with sheet after sheet.

Set out on the table was a true Christmas feast
Leaving no one still hungry, no not in the least.

Secret santa gifts were stacked by the window with care,
In hopes that soon, everyone would be there.

The night came to a wrap and the painters drove away,
They tucked themselves in bed awaiting Christmas Day.

They dreamed of presents and celebrations galore,
The time they would spend with their loved ones and more.

We are so blessed to have such amazing people working for us. From all of us at Karen’s Company Thank you! Thank you to the employees for all you do. And thank you to the customers who continue to call!

Happy Holidays!

Tags in this article: community, office party,

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